Loyalty Is Not A Required Ingredient

It’s depressing to realize that any of our representatives in Congress do not have a deep and nuanced understanding of how our government works. I mean, you’d expect them to sit down and study it – but, apparently they don’t. Here’s an example, from TPM a few days ago:

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) said Friday that President Donald Trump “has a legitimate right to say that he was betrayed” by Attorney General Jeff Sessions due to Sessions’ recusal from matters relating to Russia, which in turn led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller.

“The American people, now, are getting a taste of what people in Washington have known over this last year, and that is Jeff Sessions betrays the people who have had faith in him,” Rohrabacher told CNN’s Ana Cabrera in an interview.

But AG Sessions’ loyalty is not to the President. His loyalty is explicitly to the country, and it is his duty to prosecute anyone who may break the law – including the President.

Rohrabacher should know this. It should be tattooed on his eyelids. The response shouldn’t have been, well, maybe this will doom Sessions. It should have been, Hey, that’s immaterial. Has he betrayed the country?

Because the country and the President are NOT indivisible.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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