And Then There Are The Enablers

E. J. Dionne in WaPo remarks on Trump:

But we are past the time when we can believe any of this. Trump is, without question, doing enormous damage to the United States’ standing in the world, and his strategy for political survival is rooted in a willingness to destroy our institutions.

Nowhere else, though, does, Dionne remark on Trump’s enablers in Congress, most notably Representative Nunes, chairman of the Intelligence Committee, who supposedly recused himself from the investigation into claims of collusion, and yet reportedly continues to interfere, and Speaker Ryan, who continues to ignore a White House that is dangerously dysfunctional. Impeachments start in the House, Speaker Ryan, and you’re neglecting your duties.

Guess I’m just crabby this morning.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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