The Good RINO Corker

I see that Senator Corker, who has announced he will not run for re-election, has become the favorite target of President Trump.

In case you’re wondering abut the Iran deal remark, Senator Corker did not sign the “Letter to Iran” concerning the JCPOA (aka the Iran nuclear deal). Perhaps Trump thinks this is significant in some way.

Corker did respond via Twitter:

It’s a shame the White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.

Me? I think Trump is making an example of Corker. Trump’s such a fucking amateur that he thinks a few disagreements makes you a mortal enemy.

And I think Corker should take this nuclear, to utilize a metaphor. For the good of the nation, I think Senator Corker should announce his resignation from the GOP and announce he’ll no longer caucus with the GOP, but rather with the Democrats.

And, for good measure, he should announce he’ll be thinking for himself from now on.

Who knows, maybe we can get Senators Collins and Murkowski to cross the line as well. After all, they’re the next ones on Trump’s Enemys[1] List.

1Misspelled on purpose.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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