This was back on the February 18th, I fear I’m a little bit behind.
“Congress can’t do anything except complain about it,” [Senator Grassley (R-IA)] says, “but I think we have to have sympathy and understanding for people that are laid off.” [RadioIowa]
Where it refers to the firings of Federal employees, when Congress has authorized the funds to hire these folks for specific jobs. Grassley’s making the case that an Executive can fire who they want, as if Grassley works for the Executive; but Congress is the law making branch of the government, and the Executive is responsible for executing the actions to implement the laws, not decide if the laws should be implemented.
Trump is a case of someone believing propaganda and acting on it, and discovering that part of the definition of propaganda is that it’s false.
Grassley’s ninety-two, and should have the sense to simply retire.