How Long Before …

Steve Benen’s coverage of the firing of Inspectors General (IG) by President Trump and the reaction of Senators Grassley (R-IA) and Durbin (D-IL), both IG supporters, is convenient:

“We write to you today concerning the reported firing of Inspectors General (IGs) from 18 offices,” the senators’ correspondence began. “Congress was not provided the legally required 30-day notice and case-specific reasons for removal, as required by law. Accordingly, we request that you provide that information immediately.”

I spoke directly to Grassley’s office — just hours before the public learned about the White House firing the USAID inspector general — and the senator’s office confirmed that the president and his team have not responded to the senators’ request for “immediate” information. [Maddowblog]

My question is this: when will President Trump try to fire Grassley and Durbin, and will the Republicans understand the magnitude of their error in supporting President Trump even then?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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