It strikes me that the MAGA crowd may be not only moving into a treacherous and unfamiliar political geography, but that their unflinching support for the President will leave them vulnerable. President Trump is not likely to be President in four years. I don’t know it for certain, and I don’t know the method of his exit, whether its resignation, 25th Amendment, or chased bodily from the country by angry citizens, an old-fashioned Greek tradition.
But it doesn’t matter. In the end, the MAGA crowd, which has been enjoying, if only in its own eyes, an enhanced social position with their leader in the President’s seat, may suddenly experience a roller-coaster drop in social position, as the President seems to be trying to destroy his reputation.
It’s something to keep in mind. Clinging madly to the President even as his reputation falls down a well will not preserve their social position, it’ll destroy it. Past performance is not a predictor of future performance, as the financial professionals’ saying goes. Don’t cling to your stocks in the buggy-whip company when the President goes over the edge, if I may mix my metaphors recklessly.
Think about your exit strategy from MAGA, and do it now. There may not be time when the bottom drops out. Figure out what it would take to declare that you’ve forsaken MAGA and the President. It’ll be hard, but despite the proclamations of the President’s supporters, it all rings hollow. They’re there to pick over the remnants.