Word Of The Day


“Missional” or “missional living” is a Christian term that in essence describes a missionary lifestyle. Being missional includes embracing the posture, the thinking, behaviors, and practices of a missionary in order to reach others with the message of the gospel. The term “missional” gained its popularity towards the end of the 20th century with the influence of Timothy Keller, Alan Hirsch, and others, as well as the Gospel and Our Culture Network. Their basic premise is that all Christians should be involved in the Great Commission of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20).[Got Questions]

Noted in “PCA Members, I Don’t Think This is Wise,” Erick Erickson:

But as someone who takes the law and our obligations under it seriously, I find it bad that a missional organization would advise people to avoid showing documents with “country of birth or citizenship” to escape the consequences of coming into the United States illegally.

I’ll be interested in further commentary from Mr Erickson. So far under the new Administration, Erickson’s been a mitigator: Oh, this isn’t so bad, it’s all commonsensical, what illegalities?, the left will riot so keep your head down! He doesn’t address the usurpation of the division of powers, or attempted rupture of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

I’ve entertained the hypothesis that his lust for power causes him to OK anything that brings in more power, all while he’s trying hard to keep his little flock together; I have no idea if he’s being successful.

But when religious organizations begin leaking away, even his mother organization, that has to make him uncomfortable. He was furious with the Episcopalian bishop that rebuked President Trump, and with Wheaton College when it withdrew congratulations from Wheaton College[1] graduate and right-wing extremist Russell T. Vought for winning the position of Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Erickson’s remarks concerning Bishop Budde were particularly instructive:

The most surprising thing to learn about Bishop Budde is that she is married to a man. That is not very on brand for Episcopalian bishops these days. I had a few people tell me there used to be a girlfriend in the mix too, perhaps that is just idle gossip, but a throuple would be very on brand for what is now a post-Christian denomination that is in as rapidly declining as it is running away from Christ. Funny how Christians are leaving behind all the denominations that left Christ behind.

Classic arrogance, no? And given the Christian arrogance that we see these days, is it any surprise that all the arrogant ones leave those institutions that might constrain them?

But, Mom! All the other kids are jumping off the cliff!

Anyways, the next month or so should be very interesting.

1 My Arts Editor’s father lectured at Wheaton.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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