Data Suggests Reform

Aaron Blake notes the data:

Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday had this stunning finding: While Americans were about evenly split in their views of the Republican Party (43 percent favorable to 45 percent unfavorable), negative views of the Democratic Party outpaced positive ones by 26 points — 31 percent favorable to 57 percent unfavorable. …

Tracking polling from YouGov, for instance, shows the Democratic Party more unpopular than at any point since January 2017.

Similarly, a CNN poll released last week showed that a record-low 33 percent of Americans had a favorable view of the party. [WaPo]

And what do they, the surveyed, recommend?

  • Nearly 6 in 10 Democratic-leaning voters say the party needs either “major changes” or “to be completely reformed.”

How long will it take for the Democrats to figure it out? And who will lose the inevitable power struggle? Will they ever understand that Americans, even if they can’t articulate the foundations of society, recognize and assert their right to participate in major decisions?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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