Is That A Clownfish Or A Blue Whale?

Erick Erickson thought his movement was principled. Now he knows better:

I can’t really recall the last time a major, well-funded movement in Washington simply decided to give up. The only group willing to voice concerns against Robert Kennedy, Jr. is Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. Every other pro-life group has either hitched their wagon to the pro-abortion nomination or kept silent. …

I’m afraid we are rapidly reaching the grifter phase of the pro-life movement where they raise money off pro-life donors while doing really nothing much at all.

If they are not willing to fight against putting a pro-abortion Democrat into the presidential line of succession of a Republican administration because they might not get invited to a party, they are useless.

Maybe they’re grifters, although, truth be told, the abortion issue has always been a rallying point for both sides, and those who hungered for power could climb those organizations.

But my suspicion is that the word has gone out that either these minor organization adhere to Trump’s nominations, or donors will be notified that Trump disapproves of them, and that’ll mean the evaporation of the funds constituting the lifeblood of these organizations.

Trump did a deal with RFK, Jr., to get more votes. While I doubt they were pivotal, the deal was done and Trump has to follow through or he’ll damage himself in the eyes of the folks in a position to help him, to funnel money to him.

That may even include soon-to-be Vice President Vance and the Cabinet, which may have the power to at least temporarily suspend Trump from the Presidency.

I suspect the political currents motivating these organizations are a lot deeper than he suspects. Will we ever know for sure?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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