Word Of The Day


Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which an individual does not experience primary sexual attraction – the type of attraction that is based on immediately observable characteristics such as appearance or smell and is experienced immediately after a first encounter. A demisexual person can only experience secondary sexual attraction – the type of attraction that occurs after the development of an emotional bond. The amount of time that a demisexual individual needs to know another person before developing sexual attraction towards them varies from person to person. Demisexuality is generally categorized on the asexuality spectrum. [Wikipedia]

Noted in “Asexuals: the most oppressed group in the alphabet soup,” Julie Bindel’s writing and podcasts:

For the benefit of any bigots who haven’t bothered reading up on what those particular identities are, let me help you out. Demisexual is an “umbrella term used to describe people who may only feel sexually or romantically attracted to people with whom they have formed an emotional bond”, whereas ‘greysexual’ (also known as Grey-A) is another umbrella term, this time describing people who experience attraction only occasionally, rarely, or under certain conditions.

Bindel’s use of the term bigot may be sarcastic or even ironic.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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