Self-Criticism Is Best

Lest anyone think I hate or despise Mr Erickson, no, I don’t. I, in fact, appreciate his willingness to criticize his own side, because self-critics are often more honest than adversarial critics. Far more honest, far more insightful.

In his post referenced below, I have not listened to the radio show he attaches, but the text gives a flavor and the post title kinda says it all:

The Grifters On The Right

I have to wonder how long before he realizes all the honest folks have left leadership, either discouraged about the abrupt moral degradation of their fellow leaders and followers brought on by Mr Trump, or chased out by mostly the aforementioned, and grifters and allied criminals are now ascendant.

Even as a kid I remember the moaning about how the generation of the time didn’t measure up to the standards of the World War II generation, aka The Greatest Generation, and it looks like they may have gotten it right.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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