It’s All About Rewarding Allegiance

Steve Benen finds the behavior of Republican Parties of various States puzzling:

Last month, CNN reported that Republicans from seven battleground states agreed to send “fake electors and others who worked to upend the 2020 election results to represent their state parties at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.”

Not all of the fake electors who served as convention delegates were under criminal indictment — but some were, and the party didn’t seem to care.

It’s against this backdrop that Michigan Republicans backed indicted fake electors, too.

As the criminal charges piled up, it seemed implausible that GOP officials would extend rewards to those who were caught serving as fake electors. And yet, here we are. [Maddowblog]

Actually, it’s very plausible. The Republican Party is currently built on unshakable allegiance, and in fact has been since the days of Rep Earl Landgrebe (R-IN), whose loyalty to President Nixon (R) was unshakeable. The Party asked the “fake electors” to go out and do something, well, frankly wrong, and now we’re witnessing their Party rewards: asked to be convention delegates.

Party members are being reminded that loyalty to the Party and its demands is more important than loyalty to the Country and its secular moral code.

Without this action, the Party would risk gradual destruction as members realized that there was no rewards for putting oneself on the line. Only by rewarding them can a Party run by fourth-raters and ne’er-do-wells hope to survive.

At least, in its current form and under current management. Current management being conmen, grifters, and others of that type.

But that’s what’s going on here.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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