Minnesota Fringe Festival

I forgot to mention the Minnesota Fringe Festival started today. We saw two shows at Open Eye Theatre:

  • Secrets Under the Christmas Tree: A Deedee Wallaby Mystery by Deft Pictures concerns machinations in a family, of smart strong women and their cloddish, needy husbands. I felt the script needed several rewrites, and more rehearsals, but my Arts Editor thought it clever and it made her laugh.
  • 5 x 5 by Transatlantic Love Affair, a sellout, is a collection of five stories told tréteau style by a theatre company with an excellent representation, and even if this felt like it was slapped together at the last moment, it still connects to the audience early and often. We hadn’t seen them in a decade, and they are still excellent. Pay attention to the Fringe rules on sellouts and order your tickets to this one online to be sure you are allowed in.
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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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