Blame As A Diversion

Having been on a trip last weekend, and then playing catchup ever since, I only just ran across this doozy from Erick Erickson. It appears to be a deliberate attempt to divert his sheep herd’ attention from what’s going on these days:

But the left is arguably worse. After calling to tone down the rhetoric, Democrats and their affiliated groups are quite literally comparing Trump and JD Vance to Hitler. They are forced to fan the flames of their base because Democrats don’t have a candidate to vote for – only someone to vote against. Democrats don’t have a message of a brighter tomorrow, only one of pain and suffering if they lose. In short, the left is going to continue to fan the flames because that’s their only move left. Watch:

Reading something as deliberately evasive as this really discourages me from listening to his radio show – and that’s fine. I’m not really interested in audio presentations.

So what do we have here?

  • “… quite literally comparing Trump and JD Vance to Hitler.” No, they’re referencing back when Vance was calling Trump America’s Hitler.
  • [Democrats] are forced to fan the flames of their base because Democrats don’t have a candidate to vote for – only someone to vote against.” That’s a fine fantasy, I’m sure, but the real truth is that the Democrats have an excellent record for which to vote, and whether it’s Biden, Harris, or someone else, that record of cleaning up after the squalid fourth-raters of the Republicans will still exist to stir up the base. The trick will be to remind the independents that Trump glided on Obama’s excellent management, nearly completely failed on every governmental project which he promised, and then unwillingly handed it off to Biden after messing it up, assisted by the pandemic. Many of the problems blamed on the Biden Administration are actually the result of the painful incompetence of the Trump Administration and Republicans in Congress.
  • Democrats don’t have a message of a brighter tomorrow, only one of pain and suffering if they lose.” It’s the proper role of a political party to warn of threats to the Republic as well as be full of cheer & smiles. It’s fine to have differing views on an issue, and it doesn’t warrant apocalyptic visions. However, when one side denies the most basic facts and scientific analysis concerning an issue which has the potential to devastate our entire nation, and even be existential, then pointing this out is entirely realistic. Climate change is just one example, and there are more.

Erickson seems to do this with all his posts that are attacking the left – obscuring context, projecting Republican faults on the Democrats, accusing the Democrats of lying to gain power, and the like. It’s worth remembering this lesson in reading today’s Republicans.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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