Opening The Pipeline, Ctd

I just mentioned Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) just last week, the company behind Truth Social. Today, in the absence of substantive news, it looks like someone is trying to prop the DJT stock up:

Tomorrow DJT may go crashing back down. But it’s interesting to view this through a geopolitical lens, as it indicates to me that, given Mr Trump cannot yet sell his portion of DJT, and he may be having hysterics over its drop in value, someone may be trying to calm Mr. Trump down.

My bet is that it’s President Putin, but with a guy like Mr Trump and his evident willingness to sell to anyone with cash – and disregard the folks lacking cash – there are a lot of potential buyers, such as Mohammed bin Salman (de facto king of Saudi Arabia and accused murderer), etc.

This is an entertainment and entertaining stock, I’ll tell you.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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