Opening The Pipeline, Ctd

Remember Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT)? Perhaps you even bought some stock to show you’re a part of the Trump group? How’s that working out for you? Here’s the six month chart for today from yahoo! finance:

That feeling when you realize your entire investment has gone ker-plunk.

This is an object lesson in what happens when a stock is evaluated on something other than its business fundamentals, in a nutshell. Will it recover? I doubt it. Their product offerings are paltry, and while lying comes naturally to Mr. Trump, I’m sure the other executives are well aware that freely wagging their tongues over corporate fantasies lacking a connection to reality could result in prison time if a shareholder, having subsequently lost their investment as DJT implodes, becomes irate and files a complaint with the SEC.

But, as a colleague of mine once observed, most dying stocks do enjoy dead cat bounces.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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