All The Weapons Of Roman War

Axios has a disturbing report:

The number of partisan-backed outlets designed to look like impartial news outlets has officially surpassed the number of real, local daily newspapers in the U.S., according to a new analysis.

Why it matters: Many of those sites are targeted to swing states — a clear sign that they’re designed to influence politics.

An independent press run by public spirited citizens is a vital part of a free democracy. These are not – the chained dogs of people frantic to win, because that’s how they advance up the all-important social ladder of prestige and, well, We’re better than you!

Which is all a bit pathetic and a commentary on how the evolutionary positive features of yesterday just don’t scale up so well.

PS Gotta love this:

Catch up quick: These types of websites are often referred to as “pink slime,” a term that originated in the ground beef industry.

  • The term has been used for more than a decade to describe politically motivated websites masquerading as independent local news outlets.
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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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