Professional Victims, Ctd

And yesterday’s predicted behaviors begin. First, let’s set the table: Hunter Biden’s trial was a Federal investigation and prosecution leading to convictions, in contrast to the Trump trial, which was a State investigation and prosecution, resulting in convictions. For those readers who don’t quite understand the legal niceties, State prosecutions are beyond the meddling of the President or Congress, as Rep Jordan (R-OH) has found out. Federal prosecutions, while the territory of the DoJ, could be subjected to undue influence, so the fact that Hunter Biden was convicted suggests that either President Biden threw his surviving son under the bus, or he’s terrible at meddling – or he did the right thing and didn’t meddle.

Let’s lead off with Rep Andrew Clyde (R-AL):

Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict is nothing more than the Left’s attempt to create the illusion of equal justice.

Don’t fall for it. [X]

Brevity with conspiracy. I like it. But failing to confuse the reader with loads of justificatory bullshit runs the risk letting the reader say, “Wha–?!” and recognize the contradiction. 3/5.

Kash Patel:

“Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict is a rare example of constitutional justice, one not where individuals receive biased treatment based on their last name,” Patel said. “The jury was able to consider the prosecution and defense evidence in full, in accordance with due process — a right that was single-handedly bastardized against President Trump by the judge, jury and prosecutors in New York.” [NBC News]

Positive points for bullshit, negative points for not presenting evidence that Trump was mistreated by the legal system of New York, more negative points for not mentioning the Federal vs State distinction, and more positive points for not claiming Hunter was sacrificed on the altar of the Left. 3.5/5, I’d say, but ya couldn’t dance to it. Oh, and Patel will look back on this moment in twenty years and squirm uncontrollably. We’re not talking about a bench trial, we’re talking about a jury trial, and if base illegalities did take place, the jury would have found for Trump. Instead, they found for the State, and rather quickly.

Former Trump advisor Stephen Miller falls down on the job:

The gun charges are a giant misdirection. An easy op for DOJ to sell to a pliant media that is all too willing to be duped. Don’t be gaslit. This is all about protecting Joe Biden and only Joe Biden.

No evidence, too generic, and projects Mr. Trump’s central character flaw of being a solipsist onto President Biden, which, given the President’s behavior patterns over the year, flawed as they might be in my reader’s eyes, does not match up as a narcissist. 1/5, and trying to not look embarrassed when questioned by folks who depend on you, Mr. Miller, will be a chore much like trying to choke down cowshit.

Non-public facing people can be a bit more forthright. Here’s an anonymous Republican strategist:

“It, at a minimum, slows the momentum and the clear-cut argument that the Trump campaign previously had about Biden’s weaponization of the justice system. … It’s less of a bumper-sticker than it was before.” [NBC News]

Of course, strategists who lie to themselves and others become unemployed rather quickly. Allies are not in the same boat, but they hate surprises even more. This guy shows poor judgment in being an ally of Trump, but they are at least honest:

“I think this won’t matter a ton, but it undercuts the argument of a two-tiered system of justice,” said one Trump ally who made the case that the former president would be better off letting that line of attack wither. “The more that argument exists and is pushed, the worse it is for Trump. It’s too close to ‘threats to democracy’ and drives that issue — the only issue where Biden enjoys a lead.” [NBC News]

4/5. The deduction comes from the misjudgment – or lie – that Biden only enjoys a lead on threats to democracy. Respect for military service, management of government debt, support for law enforcement, employment, even immigration, these are just some of the issues in which Biden enjoys an edge – in reality. In the realm of lies, though, he’s in trouble.

Given all these quotes, though, perhaps a Democrat should get a quote.

“The only ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ going on around here is on the other side of the aisle,” [Rep Jim McGovern (D-MA)] explained. “People are saying that Biden orchestrated the conviction of his own son in order to justify the criminal charges against Trump. That is how you think when you are in a cult.” [Maddowblog]

It’s a cult, a cult devoted to the idea that passionate religious zeal is as valid as sober appraisals of reality, a cult in which, as is usually the case, the leaders are grifters.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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