Professional Victims

Now that Hunter Biden has been found guilty of all charges in his gun charges federal case, it might seem that the yelling from the Republicans that the DoJ has been weaponized would settle down out of embarrassment.

I don’t expect it to.

The Republicans, along with being fresh out of embarrassment, have to keep up the screaming because that’s darn near all they have left. Mr Trump botched the immigration issue, so they cannot successfully use it against the Democrats, although Mr Trump, who appears to be demented, may try nonetheless. They opposed an infrastructure package so popular that they show up at ribbon cuttings in order to steal the thunder. They’ve lost the appellation Law & Order Party when Mr Trump was convicted.

For knowledgeable observers, it doesn’t come off so well.

So I expect we’ll be hearing how the conviction of Biden will be proof that the DoJ has been weaponized by Biden, and he’s thrown his own son under the bus in order to make it look like it’s not weaponized. That’s my guess, a Heads I win — tails you lose! scenario that is the height of dishonesty.

And this is all the result of a Party trying to follow the dictates of disgraced former Speaker and Rep Newt Gingrich (R-GA), that dictate being Never let the Democrats win. I was thinking about this today and realized that a guy who no longer has skin in the game can say any damn thing; watching the Party members in Congress hopping around like frogs in a pelican nest is, really, quite a sad thing to contemplate when you remember this is the US Congress and not a drunken frat party.

I do hope they come up with something more inventive than just This proves they weaponized the DoJ! I do hope that all the extremists get dumped out of the political system, like pus squeezed from an infection, this time around.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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