Word Of The Day


smelling very bad:

  • The creatures are believed to live in the mephitic swamps of the region.
  • The mephitic fumes from the machine made their throats burn. [Cambridge Dictionary]

Some definitions suggested noxiousness unto death. Noted in “Russian arms dealer tells Alex Jones the US needs a new J6 insurrection to prevent nuclear war,” TheCriticalMind, Daily Kos:

Alex Jones interviewed [Russian arms dealer Viktor] Bout on his InfoWars show. The topic was Bout’s support for Trump and his promotion of a bigger Jan 6 insurrection. It beggars belief. Lord Haw Haw is now broadcasting from inside the house. The mephitic Jones claims he is a patriot. Bullshit. He is an enemy of America and Americans. Meanwhile, the MAGAs who think Jones is on to something are lost to reason.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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