Well, That Was Fast

I expected weeks of anticipation.

I guess no one was a MAGA-mole.

And the evidence and all was overwhelming. I didn’t watch or read obsessively about the trial, so I’m just goin’ with this outcome and what little I have read to form conclusions.

From CNN:


I know some pundits have opined that Bragg had overreached, or screwed up over this or that, but we’re in an age of weighing every utterance for maximum personal profit before issuance, rather than being honest in the interests of society. The constraints of the jury system, though, tends to obviate that.

And it takes little insight to predict the MAGA base – and Trump – will blame it on Biden and corruption. But it takes some doing to corrupt a jury and a grand jury, and if this is anything like the election litigation, it’ll just turn out to be Trump and his Trumpettes running their mouths. Again.

Off to mow the lawn.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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