Earl Landgrebe Award Nominee

This one I can’t resist, even if the nominee may not quite fit the definition of the award:

[Defeated candidate for the Republican nomination for West Virginia’s 1st Congressional District Derrick] Evans’ fundraising emails, with subject lines like “I did time in Prison for Trump,” have highlighted his actions on Jan. 6 as a selling point for his candidacy. One ad even featured stock video of fake FBI agents busting through a window feet-first, when, in fact, video shows that Evans’ 2021 arrest was relatively mundane. [NBC News]

It’s rather like one-upmanship, isn’t it? I did time in Prison for Trump sounds like a classic line.

But I fear, in time, it’ll be the equivalent of a dunce cap.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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