Word Of The Day


A scofflaw is someone who repeatedly and knowingly violates the law, or ignores legal summons to court and other proceedings. Many people use the word to refer to minor crimes, like parking violations and littering, reserving “outlaw” for someone who commits more serious crimes. Ignoring the law is usually not a very wise move, even when the laws seem minor, as repeated offenses can lead to a warrant for arrest and serious fines. [“What is a scofflaw?”, Mary McMahon, My Law Questions]

Noted in the title of a Daily Kos article: “Serial MAGA Criminal/Scofflaw Has Been Undocumented Immigrant In U.S. For Over Sixty Years,” PvtJarHead. The twist is that he thought he was an American, but the courts denied his citizenship, and thus his Social Security.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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