The 2024 Senate Campaign: Updates

Another Major Issue

Since my first post in this series, another major issue, referenced but unexplored in the previous post, has reared its head: the Israeli response to the October 7th incursion, mass kidnapping, mass rape, and mass murder of Israelis, mostly civilians and Israeli guests, by terrorist group and controller of the Gaza government Hamas.

The Israeli response has been to ravage the cities of Gaza, killing 30,000 people as they pursue Hamas members, who use the Palestinians of Gaza as a human shield.

President Biden is caught in a bind on this issue. If he supports Israel, then members of the Democratic Party who’ve committed to the Palestinian cause may stay home on election day, as demonstrated on Primary Day in Michigan. If he doesn’t support Israel, the Democratic moderate base will wonder as to his loyalty to Israel. He is attempting to thread the needle by promising to withhold some weapons if Israel moves against Rafah, a Gazan city being used as a refuge by Gazan civilians.

If you’re like me, an examination of the history and facts on the ground convince me that we hired Biden to manage these impossible situations, keeping uppermost in mind the best interests of the United States. I must ask if the American far-left understands that being a citizen of the United States requires such a posture. It’s not optional. But I don’t want to be President, as the entire situation would undoubtedly leave King Solomon in tears.

If you want more thoughts on this, here’s Andrew Sullivan’s heartbroken take on the matter: How To Re-Elect Donald Trump. A paywall may interfere, and sometimes Sullivan’s emotions contaminate his thinking, but he remains one of the best observers of American politics. And, just for fun, allegedly serious candidate RFK, Jr. (HE’S AN ANTI-VAXXER, FOR GOD’S SAKE) reportedly lost part of his brain to a parasitic worm years ago. At least Biden comes off as a level headed leader, unlike Trump or Kennedy.


Candidates can win elections without funding – but it’s rare. It’s worth noting this WaPo article from April 1 that indicates Republican Party funding sources are drying up. Most of the Trumpian candidates lack his apparent charisma, coming off as lunatics, although my view is this observation applies to Mr Trump as well.

The Republican Party may founder on the rocks of financial exhaustion as Mr. Trump sucks up all available funds for his legal bills – or his religious treasury.

And The Latest News

  • In Maryland, where popular former governor and NeverTrumper Larry Hogan (R-MD) was thought to hold a lead in an otherwise Democratic state in the race for an open Senate seat, he now appears to be in trouble, even though primaries are still in the future. Respected pollster Emerson College has this summary:

    Looking at the November general election, both [Democratic candidates] Alsobrooks and Trone lead Hogan in hypothetical matchups: Alsobrooks leads 48% to 38%, with 14% undecided, and Trone leads 49% to 38%, with 14% undecided.

    Since February, Hogan’s support has decreased from 42% against Trone, and 44% against Alsobrooks, while the Democratic candidates have increased support in the general election, Trone from 42% to 49%, and Alsobrooks from 37% to 48%.

  • In Nevada, Emerson College gives incumbent Jacky Rosen (D-NV) a good sized lead of45% to 37%, with 18% undecided. If the overperformance characteristic holds true for Rosen then Brown has little chance, and this in a state where GOP officials hoped to flip a seat. But there’s months ahead for things to go awry.
  • In Wisconsin, the Quinnipiac Poll gives an early and substantial lead to incumbent Senator Tammy Baldwin, 54-42, in another state where Republicans had some hopes.
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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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