Word Of The Day


  1. a person whose function or duty is the distribution of alms on behalf of an institution, a royal personage, a monastery, etc.
  2. British.
    1. a hospital official who determines the amount due for a patient’s treatment.
    2. a social worker in a hospital. [Dictionary.com]

New one on me. Noted in “How Pope Francis opened the Vatican to transgender sex workers,” Anthony Faiola and Stefano Pitrelli, WaPo:

But just before her Holy Week meeting with the pope, she felt less certain. Nervously lighting a cigarette at a cafe off St. Peter’s Square, she said Don Andrea and the pope’s almoner, a Polish cardinal, were trying to change her mind. She inhaled the smoke. Let it out. She didn’t want to let them down. Maybe, she mused, she’d go back to Paraguay. Retire.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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