This week’s nominee is conservative media personality Byron York! As WaPo’s Dana Milbank provides important context, we’ll take it from him:
Then there was [Mr Trump’s] abortion statement in which he expressed his belief that states would “do the right thing.” He also repeated the fiction that “Democrats are the radical ones” on abortion because they support infanticide — “execution after birth.”
But Arizona’s highest court disproved both claims the very next day, vividly showing the wild extremism Trump has unleashed in the states. The timing was so perfect that Fox News aired a new conspiracy theory: that the conservative jurists in Arizona for some reason timed their ruling to hurt Trump. “It absolutely seems scripted,” said commentator Byron York.
And if you’re wondering why an anti-abortion ruling would be considered a blow to Mr Trump and the far-right, it’s because they have finally realized that their
dog caught the car position on the abortion issue is both highly and deeply unpopular. It’s nearly existential.
And, yes, this is effectively a single issue voter description, as I mean by deeply that it’s an issue which is quite unlikely to be disregarded, and is considered to be of higher priority than virtually any other, for far more than half the population. While I generally disapprove of single issue voting as being indicative of lazy citizens who are unwilling to engage in the analysis of true voting, in potentially existential cases like this one, it’s sadly acceptable.
Fox News and Byron York are more than willing to chuck a highly conservative Arizona Supreme Court under the bus, just because their rather ridiculous ruling that a law from pre-Statehood times still applies hurts Mr Trump.