When You Aspire To Be A Cartoon Character

Evidently Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, having relished the publicity of being impeached, but not convicted, by his own party, is working to make more very silly publicity:

Paxton’s arguments, many of them familiar tropes among the anti-vaccine and COVID-19 denial crowd, hinge on the fact that the pandemic did not end soon enough — even though Pfizer officials never promised an end date to the health threat.

The drugmaker, he argues, claimed its vaccine was 95% effective but did not manage to end the pandemic within a year after being introduced.

“Contrary to Pfizer’s public statements, however, the pandemic did not end; it got worse. More Americans died in 2021, with Pfizer’s vaccine available, than in 2020, the first year of the pandemic,” the lawsuit says. “This, in spite of the fact that the vast majority of Americans received a COVID-19 vaccine, with most taking Pfizer’s.”

And more Americans were infected after refusing the vaccine.

Look, the proper metrics are how many folks were exposed, how many were infected VU[1], what’s the infection rate VU, what’s the death rate for the infected VU, percentage evading vaccination in low vs high areas.

Looking at total death rates conceals so many variables that it’s useless. And this is so obvious that I, an obsolete software engineer and not a professional biometrician, statistician, or other applicable profession, see it. Why doesn’t this blithering idiot?

The Texas House should impeach Paxton for abuse of position, and this time the Texas Senate, when Paxton arrogantly treats them as his little piglets by staying away from the hearings, should convict and toss his ass out.

1 “VU” is an acronym I made up on the spot, standing for “vaccinated and unvaccinated”.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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