The Digital Age Trademark

Ya remember how you could go to a garage sale and buy most anything, free & clear? Things are a little different in the Digital Age. Renting software has become a popular business strategy, at least for those who write the software.

And non-fungible tokens (NFTs)?

What exactly are buyers of the Trump Trading Cards purchasing? Yes, they are NFTs, but unlike others of these digital art pieces, the people foolish enough to purchase a Trump Trading Card don’t actually own the things they paid for, at least not in the traditional sense. If any buyer decides to sell their Trump card in a secondary market, they don’t get all the proceeds. The fine print reveals that 10% of every secondary market sales goes right back to Trump and his fellow grifters. For more details, buyers are told to click the link to terms and conditions. [Kurt Eichenwald, The Threats Within]

And Eichenwald claims the page containing the terms and conditions is a Page not found. Maybe they fixed it.

It looks like Trump isn’t selling these cards, he’s renting them out on an unlimited time, transferable-for-a-fee basis. Of course, outrage may not be called for if the value of these cards sink into mire.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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