Word Of The Day


copypasta is a block of text that is copied and pasted across the Internet by individuals through online forums and social networking websites. Copypastas are said to be similar to spam as they are often used to annoy other users and disrupt online discourse. [Wikipedia]

Well. I wonder if the Flying Spaghetti Monster approves. Noted in “Twitter king Dril on Musk’s chaotic reign,” Taylor Lorenz, WaPo:

To those trying to predict Twitter’s fate, there’s probably no one more representative of a certain part of Twitter than Dril. His posts have become meme formats and copypasta; in one tweet he even appeared to predict the end of Twitter in 2022. Academics have dissected and analyzed his tweets. The A.V. Club, an online publication devoted to pop culture, declared Dril “the patron saint of the internet itself” and “a rare rallying point and muse for everyone, regardless of affiliation or creed.”

To which I can only say, Who?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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