Word Of The Day

Blue food:

In 2021, Jessica Gephart at the American University in Washington DC and her colleagues took a deep dive into what they call “blue food”, a catch-all category for anything edible from fresh water or the sea. That includes fish, shellfish and cephalopods, but also an aquarium of lesser-eaten creatures such as sea cucumbers, jellyfish, seaweed and microalgae. If managed carefully, they concluded, blue foods have a lot of room for sustainable growth. “There is such a thing as sustainably managed fisheries,” says John Virdin at Duke University in North Carolina. “It takes smart rules and enforcing those rules, but it can be done. And it’s not impossible to do aquaculture sustainably.” [“How four big industries are driving the exploitation of our oceans,” Graham Lawton, NewScientist (23 April 2022, paywall)]

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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