Erickson’s Burdens

It must be a little tough to be Erick Erickson, based on this:

The leader of the free world needs to be decisive and support freedom. Ukraine is fighting for its life. Europe has stepped up. For God’s sake, the Swedish are supplying arms to Ukraine while Joe Biden vacations in Delaware and dithers.

Even now, the Biden Administration will not restore American energy independence, but imports Russian oil. After refusing to ban Russia from SWIFT and giving Europe a veto over the matter, Biden finally prohibited Russia from the SWIFT banking system, but went out of his way to make clear the ban would not apply to energy related transaction.

He’s evidently forgotten that we’re the biggest nuclear power, and Russia is #2. If we sufficiently provoke Putin, he will increase the number of cities hit by nuclear missiles in the history of the world from two to three, four, five …

So, therefore, we move with great delicacy. We use proxies, such as Sweden. We push Germany into supplying more arms – and remember that we supplied hundreds of millions of dollars worth of arms to Ukraine just  a few years ago, despite the frenzied attempts of then-President Trump to stop those shipments.


I’m not taking Erickson too seriously these days when he critiques the Democrats. I’m sure he has some good points, particularly about the self-delusions of the far left, but digging them out of the manure he spreads makes the entire matter tiresome for a working dude. I find him far more credible when he critiques his own side.

Which, according to Senator Romney (R-UT), is populated with morons.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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