Quote Of The Day

From Angie Drobnic Holan on PolitiFact:

“The arts of the enemies of America are endless, but all wicked as they are various. Among other tricks they have forged a pamphlet of letters entitled ‘Letters from Gen. Washington to several of his friends in 1776.’ The design of the forger is evident, and no doubt it gained him a good beef steak from his masters. I would send you this pamphlet if it were not too bulky for the post, as it might serve to amuse your leisure hours during the inaction of winter.” – Richard Henry Lee, American Founding Father

A testament to the fundamental stability of the human personality. It’ll lie, cheat, and steal to gain advantage, especially in war time – formal or informal.

Something to remember during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, calling for skepticism about claims from both sides, and requiring careful proctoring of those claims up for acceptance. Recognition that certain political factions throughout the world will take advantage of the conflict to spread misinformation is an important facet of this discussion.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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