Getting Involved

I hadn’t heard anything about the hacker group Anonymous for awhile, but I don’t pay much attention to hacker groups, either. But here they are, getting involved – and maybe taking their lives into their hands:

On Tuesday (Feb. 22), Anonymous hacked into the Chinese Culture website ( and uploaded a rogue page including its logo and images of a Russian device that the group had hacked. The website was taken down within a day after the hack, but an archived version of the page changed by the hacktivists can be found on Internet Archive’s WayBack Machine. …

In red text, the hackers condemn Putin’s recognition of separatist regions in eastern Ukraine as independent. Anonymous states the Russian leader should have instead waited for a UN-brokered peace plan to be concluded instead. [Taiwan News]

If they do enough damage, the Russians will remember them and try to hunt them down.

And it won’t matter if Putin survives this excursion into war or not. Russia won’t convert into a real democracy just because Putin fails, or even succeeds.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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