Silly Assertion Of The Day

In regards to a State law with some religious implications:

State Rep. Phil Christofanelli, R-St. Peters, who sponsored the bill last year, said it’s too early to comment on the groups applying to run the program. He said the law protects against religious discrimination by the educational assistance organizations.

“It’s pretty well established in American law that you can’t discriminate for immutable characteristics like religion,” he said. [St. Louis Post-Dispatch]

I’m sure everyone else has had their say about immutable characteristics, but I have to have my horse’s laugh as well. Dude, people are forever adjusting, changing, and abjuring religion. You should be ashamed to be trying to slip that particular bit of deceit by the people of St. Louis.


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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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