And That Would Be The End of Him?

There’s a real conundrum going on here:

“I’ve been to flat Earth conferences and I remember this guy said he used to contract with Nasa,” [Kelly Weill] said on the show.

“He said, ‘Quite frankly I think they’re lying about the shape of the earth so that we believe in aliens so that when Jesus comes down we’ll mistake him as an alien and we’ll shoot him.’”

Yeah, we don’t even know where to start with that one. [“Flat Earther claims that Nasa makes us believe in aliens so that we’ll shoot Jesus if he returns,” Harry Fletcher, indy100]

Where you start is with the question, If Jesus is God, a Divine creature, is s/he/it really going to give a shit about being shot?


He may be pissed off enough to do a War Of The Worlds gig on the shooter, but that’s a different conspiracy theory, isn’t it?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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