Word Of The Day


  1. making soft or supple
    also : soothing especially to the skin or mucous membrane
    // anemollient hand lotion
  2. making less intense or harsh : MOLLIFYING
    // soothe us in our agonies with emollient words [Merriam-Webster]

Noted in “Behold the Republican somersaults for Trump,” George F. Will, WaPo:

Never, however, came and went, and Vance went to Mar-a-Lago seeking absolution. Vance is trailing Josh Mandel, who knows how to be emollient to Trump. Mandel says he decided to run for the Senate a third time because impeaching Trump was unfair. In his Mar-a-Lago audition, Mandel told Trump that he, Mandel, is a “killer” and a “balls to the wall” fighter. As a senator, he will fight, among other things, “atheism” and Washington “cocktail parties.”

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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