It’s Not The Legal Peril So Much

It’s been hard to miss the news that Mazars accounting firm has dropped former President Trump as a client, presumably because of the State’s concerns about Trump’s ethically dubious approach to valuing property, allegedly depending for whom the valuing is occurring. This has led to speculation that Trump will end up in Court on fraud charges, as telling one entity one value and another a substantially different value is generally frowned upon in polite company.

But this may not be the company at the top of Trump’s concerns. The former President, recall, has as his base of political support the evangelist and prosperity church members who haven’t yet fled those churches. The former President grew up in the prosperity church tradition of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. His connections are many, but primary is that he’s perceived as wealthy.

If that perception slides down the drain, not everyone will abandon him – but a significant portion will. He’s already perilously near the abyss of irrelevance, and if it turns out he’s just an ordinary millionaire, he could just suddenly fade away, no matter how much he sputters.

So the Mazars incident might put him in jail – and it might sever him from any prestigious political future.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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