Belated Movie Reviews

On my father’s grave, I will french that T-Rex in this scene!

Land Of The Lost (2009) is, I suppose, a camp on camp movie, a spoof of the old Land of the Lost TV series, of which there were two versions itself. Played as humor, it has a couple of good bits – a T-Rex with a sense of surreality is a lovely twist, and the ice cream truck had a lot of potential, of which it fulfilled perhaps a tenth – but the truth of the matter is that there was simply too much crude humor which existed for the sake of crude humor.

And that was boring.

While the T-Rex was a lot of fun, this was a waste of time. And what did they do with the evil Sleestak, anyways? Why aren’t they fascinated with the universe’s garbage pit? Isn’t that a possible way home? Another two drafts of the script in order to scrape out the aimless bits of humor and explore the possibilities of their new universe would have been a great improvement. Too bad they didn’t take it.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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