Providing Political Ad Material

There’s something about what Steve Benen wrote about former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s (R-MT) run to represent the new 1st Congressional District of Montana in the US House of Representatives. For those readers of doubtful memories – like mine – Zinke’s time as the Interior Secretary was marked by numerous scandals, although he didn’t match up with the legendary Scott Pruitt of the EPA.

Anyways, over to Benen:

In the abstract, Zinke’s many scandals would dim his future political prospects. But in contemporary GOP politics, the Montanan believes red-state voters won’t much care, because accountability for Republican misconduct is a quaint nicety with little relevance in 2022.

The commercial writes itself, doesn’t it? Appeal to the ethical nature of Montanans by quoting Benen, heft up the bolded (which is mine) text to drive it home, and annoy the declared Republicans, while making everyone else think.

And then deliver the essence of ethical message of the competing candidate. Remind the audience that Zinke’s time in office was not marked with probity and seriousness, but by questionable behaviors, even rapacity.

And, finally, tie a vote to Zinke to an endorsement of embarrassingly bad, even criminal, behavior.

And it’s an ad for both primary and general election seasons. I do hope someone gives it a run. Zinke should, but won’t, be desperately embarrassed by his behavior. That’s what made him a fine member of the Trump Cabinet.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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