Belated Movie Reviews

Yep, that’s gotta be a fantasy. No one wears facial hair like that!

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (1947) presents Mr. W. Mitty, a man smitten with his own dreams, and perhaps not his mother, her friends, and his fiancee. An ominous beginning.

But his job as a copy-editor and ‘idea man’ at a publisher of story magazines isn’t so bad. Usually. And then his life brightens considerably when a corpse pops up and then disappears. Meanwhile, Mitty himself is finding a mystery woman to be a bit of a handful, not to mention rather assertive, as she hunts for a major secret on the world stage, which is nearly as important Mitty’s dignity.

It’s witty, fun, and forgettable, but if you need to waste a couple of hours, it’s not a bad choice.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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