Sheer, But Entertaining, Gibberish

Or “So Wrong She’s Not Even Wrong.” Maybe she’s just desperate to squeeze a bit more cash out of the audience:

Sherri Tenpenny is an influential religious-right anti-vaccine activist who has testified before the Ohio state House, appeared on Charlie Kirk’s podcast, and been a speaker at multiple ReAwaken America events, where she has shared the stage with the likes of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Eric Trump, Mike Lindell, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and Alex Jones.

Despite the fact that Tenpenny is osteopathic doctor with no expertise on vaccines, she regularly appears on right-wing programs where she spreads wild conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines.

Recently, she has begun to claim that COVID-19 vaccines are designed to create “quantum entanglement” between those who take them and the internet in an effort to turn humanity into “transhumanist cyborgs.”

“The stated goal is to depopulate the planet and the ones that are left, either make them chronically sick or turn them into transhumanist cyborgs that can be manipulated externally by 5G, by magnets, by all sorts of things,” Tenpenny said during an appearance on “The Stew Peters Show” Thursday night. “I got dragged through the mud by the mainstream media when I said that in May of last year in front of the House committee in Columbus, [Ohio]. Well, guess what? It’s all true.”

“The whole issue of quantum entanglement and what the shots do in terms of the frequencies and the electronic frequencies that come inside of your body and hook you up to the ‘Internet of Things,’ the quantum entanglement that happens immediately after you’re injected,” she continued. “You get hooked up to what they’re trying to develop. It’s called the hive mind, and they want all of us there as a node and as an electronic avatar that is an exact replica of us except it’s an electronic replica, it’s not our God given body that we were born with. And all of that will be running through the metaverse that they’re talking about. All of these things are real, Stew. All of them. And it’s happening right now. It’s not some science fiction thing happening out in the future; it’s happening right now in real time.” [Right Wing Watch]

Ummmm, no. But not “just no.” The need to giggle and even applaud this ridiculous person is a bit overwhelming.

I mean, yes, taking advantage of an audience who doesn’t know what it means to be in a quantum entanglement is desperately unethical and immoral. This is a woman whose moral model is so terribly at odds with that of the vast majority of Americans, political leanings irrelevant, that she should probably be placed under restraints for both her own safety and the safety of others. That’s how bad it is.

But, in terms of communications style, she’s a little like Erick Erickson and his ilk, who I’ve observed using phrases like objective evidence and scientific arguments as if they’re magical incantations. Tenpenny has evidently gathered up some of the terms from one of the least intuitive and most difficult to understand scientific fields out there, thrown them at the side of a building covered in old bubble-gum, and taken what’s stuck in random order in order to bamboozle an audience that may not even have heard of the field, despite the fact that the very computers they use are built on pivotal parts of quantum mechanics.

But, invoking the classic We’re all victims! approach to communications, she declares she was ridiculed, and yet She Was Right! As much as I’d love to be able to writer Ah, if she were only right, but the consequences for reality might be devastating, as in Why did the Moon just become a black hole that’s about to suck us-

While I expect that, someday, her audience will wise up to her grifter tactics and chase her out of town, it won’t be on this one. Much like fake pastors who proclaim themselves prophets because there’s no likelihood of someone listening in on their convos with the divine, she’s wisely kept her path way out where no one else but quantum physicists will tread, and I don’t doubt the audience has already been vaccinated against trusting most scientists. She’ll trip over something else someday in her greed and immorality, but not this grift.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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