Word Of The Day


noun Incarceration; imprisonment. [Wordnik]

Noted in “Why Isn’t BLM Celebrating?,” Andrew Sullivan, The Weekly Dish (paywall):

It seems to me there’s an explanation. The goal of BLM was not to reduce the number of cop killings so much as it was to abolish and defund the police, and stop punishing crime with carceration. Proof that the police can be reformed, or that a lot of progress has actually been made, might defuse those efforts. In fact, it might suggest we need to adjust a little to keep murder from spiraling out of control in our cities, as progressive DAs do all they can to keep violent criminals on the streets. And that’s the kind of data none of these groups or anyone in the MSM wants to cover.

My guess is that organizations that achieve their goal often go out of existence themselves, so they resort to not advertising their successes in order to keep the money coming in.

I don’t know that’s happening here, but it is a known, and logical, phenomenon.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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