Tax And Spend

Today, as I read Steve Benen’s post concerning the upcoming battle over the debt ceiling; recalled Republican behavior during their control of the Federal Government in the periods of 2001-2007 and 2017-2019, in which Federal debt ballooned, their frenzied and mostly successful efforts to stop tax increases, and their failed attempts to destroy Social Security and the ACA; and finally Erick Erickson’s last few frantic posts in which he attempts to condemn the Biden Administration’s policies while misinterpreting Democrat’s discussions, and all I could think was this.

Tax and spend liberal.

Yep. The curse that so frequently comes from the Republican mouth.

And you know what: Tax and spend is when you plan your spending and then properly tax to cover it. It’s called Being responsible adults.

And it’s been a long, long time since the Republicans acted responsibly.

Get the word out there. If some far-right extremist calls you a Tax and Spend Liberal, thank them for it, and tell them what it means: He thinks you’re a responsible adult.

Because that’s exactly what it means.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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