Gamera vs. Zigra (1971) is a deeply forgettable tale of Earth being invested, again, by an alien force. When kaiju and deeply patriotic turtle Gamera hits the spaceship with his (underwater) flamethrower, the spaceship is transformed into, well, it looks like a cross between a giant shark and a swordfish.
A little fighting, a little threatening of the kids (“Gamera is friend to all children!“), who’ve stowed away on a bathysphere this time, and Gamera takes the day. Zigra is notably clumsy on land. I don’t know why he (…?) thought he could live in the sea and harvest humans for dinner. Maybe he thought they’d be paralyzed with laughter.
At least this one didn’t feature reusing footage from other films. I think.
Yeah. Forget I wrote this review. There may be socially redeeming value to this movie, but I cannot imagine what it might be.