That Darn Climate Change Conspiracy, Ctd

A reader remarks on the post concerning failing currents in the Atlantic Ocean:

Wow. All the bad things climatologist said could happen are all coming to pass ten times faster than originally imagined. Humanity is so incredibly stupid.

I suppose it depends on what is meant by ‘stupid.’ Humanity never evolved to properly evaluate what has been happening world-wide, has it? Our sensory radius is only a few miles, and none of it is specialized for the kind of pollution that leads to climate change.

I find it difficult to organize my thoughts on the question, perhaps because ‘stupid’ can mean many things in this context. How about ‘ignorant’? Are we ignorant? I think our scientists are learning as fast as they can, but the fact that we are not a rationally coordinated species, or society, can render their efforts moot.

And even when coordinated, when the coordinating authority is irrational (think: Pope), it just makes things worse.

The problem may be that a species with our capabilities is doomed to wreck its ecological niche, if only simply through numbers. The creditable impulse to help and heal may be our downfall.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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