The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1914) is a surprisingly charming story of the Land of Oz, featuring all manner of creatures: intelligent goats, Woozies, Munchkins, and much more of a magical nature. In this tale, we follow the travails of Ojo and Unc Nunkie, a Munchkin and his guardian, who find themselves hungry and resolve to travel to the Emerald City, where there is no hunger. Along the way they meet several odd characters before finding themselves turned into stone; the actual reason for this is obscure, as apparently the film was damaged at this juncture.
Into this terrible event enters the Patchwork Girl, assembled by the wife of the Crooked Magician to his specifications, in order to fetch materials for reversing the accident that has befallen Ojo, Unc Nunkie, and others. Fearless in the face of whimsical Alice In Wonderland like forces, she and an assistant manage to find the fabled ingredients, escape the constrictions of Ozma, and deliver them back to the Crooked Magician.
But just how crooked is he?
A silent effort, the dialog boards are appropriately timed, more or less, and the characters are often quite charming, especially the Woozy. This may not change your life, but it’s fun to see another creation of L. Frank Baum, especially as this is a creation of the author’s own production company.