Pungent Replies Required

It appears that John McCain’s (R-AZ) widow, Cindy McCain, has been censured by the Arizona GOP, although while researching this post, articles at several sources that I’d consider neutral had disappeared (HTTP error 404), so I’m reduced to Twitter references:

With what is a rather off-putting response:

A far more pungent response is required, such as:

It is truly an honor and a delight to be censured by a group constituted of third-raters who hold such socially destructive attitudes as does the Arizona GOP. At one time an honorable institution, it has been taken over by fringers and social outcasts whose idea of a fair election is to continuously shriek that it was stolen, despite there not being a Court in the land that could take the evidence presented by Trump’s best lawyers, themselves fourth raters, seriously. Until the Arizona GOP no longer reacts to electoral loss by acting as spoiled brats and shrieking lies over and over, I, as a principled conservative, have no desire to be associated with this society of reprehensibles.

Although, as conservative pundit Jennifer Rubin at WaPo puts it today, there may not be much stock left in being a Republican – ever again:

The party isn’t going to change, so it might be time for some Republicans to head for the exits. They might find a whole lot of familiar faces on the way out.

Much like the Whigs, who left the national stage after putting power over principle, the Republicans may be on the way out – not because their principles became obsolete, but because they have none but power, power, power.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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