From the Irish equivalent of The Onion, the Waterford Whisper News:
SEVERAL enterprising single women have begun to revolutionise the face of dating with the help of a simple, solitary tattoo.
Long since fed up with the tall tales men tell regarding penis length, we meet the women who got a to scale ruler inked onto their forearms.
“If lads had an inch for every time they claimed its ‘like a baby’s arm holding an apple’ their dicks could serve as a ladder to Mars. Once I got the tattoo everything changed,” remarked single-and-fucking-done-with-mingling Anna Pollock told WWN.
“When we’re in the bedroom and I reveal the tattoo you’d want to see some of them, they turn white as a sheet, some faint, some jump out the window, but the bullshit ends there and then,” added Pollock.
A bit of Irish humor for you.