Stepping In All The Potholes?

Remember Sidney Powell, General Michael Flynn’s lawyer, who committed a lawyerly faux-pas at a hearing in early October? She admitted updating President Trump when, apparently, she should not have.

She’s now on the Trump Campaign’s legal team, and she’s managed to make Fox News‘ Tucker Carlson mad at her:

But even Carlson said he was fed up with the total lack of evidence produced by Sidney Powell, one of the Trump campaign’s attorneys, for her unfounded allegation that electronic voting systems had switched millions of ballots to favor President-elect Joe Biden.

“We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

Carlson also noted: “She never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.” …

Powell, who didn’t respond to a message from The Washington Post, pushed back on Carlson in a statement to the Washington Examiner, saying that she would “encourage him and all journalists to review all the materials we have provided so far and conduct their own investigations.” [WaPo]

I heard her at the press conference a day or two ago, where she managed to work Dominion Voting Systems, Hugo Chavez, communism, and a few South American countries into a lovely conspiracy that truly made no sense.

And, according to what I read, the courts have little use for her either.

She strikes me as … don’t let my continual droning bother you, my kindly reader … a frustrated third-rater who’d rather be important than practice honesty. Which is an iconic version of Trump and his enablers, I think.

I need a new prism to stare through. It seems that Biden is going to be very boring as he picks actually competent people to, once again, clean up after the Republicans. And the harping on the general incompetency exhibited by the conservatives is boring.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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