Breaking Down The Walls Holding Back The Waters

Back in the day, then-Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) became a canker on the hide of the skeptical community by using his position to promote, what is called in polite company, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, but is better known as a center for promoting medical quackery. Was Senator Harkin a scientist or medical doctor? No. He was trained in government and economics, which is good, but doesn’t qualify anyone for making judgments on medical science.

These days there’s lots of amateurs who couldn’t stand the professionals and are now mucking around like … well, there’s so many analogies. None of them complimentary. In any case, I’d like to point out that the particularly execrable Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) has decided to partake of the Harkin platter:

And, no, it’s not “Dr. Johnson, the prominent infectious diseases expert and epidemiologist.”

It’s “Ron Johnson, account.”

It’s hard to take that wailing seriously, unless you’re willing to go see if Johnson has any fingers in the hydroxychloroquine pie.

And I’m going to guess the skeptical community doesn’t have enough fingers to point at all the quacks, charlatans, ignoramuses, and the simply greedy who’ve wormed their way into government.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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